Baptism in the river

One of the most relevant commandments today, which comes from Jesus himself, is written in Matthew 28:19-20:”Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

When reading this scripture as a Christian, we might think immediately of evangelism or mission work and so did I before I became a mother. When one becomes a parent, our view onto the world changes drastically and suddenly we are responsible for another human life, another human being, another human soul. God blessed me with three wonderful children and this year on my birthday our oldest child, a daughter, decided to follow Jesus and we celebrated her baptism in the river Fyrisån. Our pastor Edward and a senior leader talked about the symbolism and importance of baptism to the people gathered that day to witness and bless this remarkable occasion.

Ministry becomes very practical and everyday-life when one has children and pursues a life filled with Christ. Our children become our greatest and most important mission field with both the responsibility to teach them all the commandments and why and how to obey them as well as praying for our children continuously. As parents, we cannot give or force our children upon salvation but we are to teach them and disciple them. It made our hearts full to see our daughter that day being immersed in water and lifted up to follow Jesus at such a tender age. We are grateful to be part of a congregation that works with us in raising our children in faith through sundayschool and many devoted Christian role models.



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